2015 has been a year of great harvest, the Lord has continually used our mission teams to evangelize and teach bible to young believers. Church in north hole has doubled by the end of the year, we have 135 members attending Sunday service and six weekly village bible study groups.
Pastor Daniel has continually mobilized people into prayer meetings up on the mountains. These prayer meetings have resulted to a new church in Lumbwa hills. The church in Lumbwa hills is growing rapidly and we are witnessing weekly increase. We have installed pastor Magira, a very young pastor and gifted musician.
The new church in Namanga, mupia village is growing, since we planted the church in 2014, it has grown and now we have 76 members on Sunday service. It has been very dry in most of the parts of Kenya, but due to Eli nino rains, most of families who had gone in search of pastures are back and now we have full church.
Bro Amos who was a government teacher and resigned, has been a great evangelist and bible distributor among the churches and villages in Namanga. 2015, he distributed 2240 bibles and he has formed 23 bible study groups. The Lord is using him greatly. Also Sis Veronica in North hole has been very instrumental in reaching women among Turkana, Samburu and Boranas.
The need of bibles is very clear in many communities in Kenya. The local language bibles cost more than USD 13, which is very expensive to most Christian. Masaai, Turkana, Samburu and Borana comprise of more than 6m people and 60% of them are Christians. In 2015, we distributed 7650 bibles to these communities and 1000 primary going children in their final year got a bible. Also we have built two churches in North hole and namanga districts.
The Jesus film ministry is been a great tool to reach to Masaai in town and villages. Many have come to accept Jesus as their Lord through the ministry.